Writing great content is a choice. You can choose to put in the time and work requirements to create great content and build a prosperous brand. Everyone is writing; and everyone has a blog. But how do you do that with all the content that everyone is putting out there?
What is that baffling X-factor of a hugely viral piece of content that makes it ridiculously popular? There is obviously a mixture of things because there isn’t one magic bullet.
As digital marketers we tend to think in a rut when it comes to making content standout. Either we think that a viral piece of content is simply stroke of good luck and cannot be intentionally generated. Or others tend to think that runaway awesome content is a simple mathematical or algorithm formula – follow the steps, and voila! You have great content!
It is safe to say that they are both true and not completely true.
Besides the four crucial factors you pay attention to when making your content stand out like;
With the nonstop stream of content being created, it sometimes seems like not everyone is really thinking about how to make their content stand out. If you are going to write a piece of content make sure that you have something to add that hasn’t already been said. Say something else or something better to stand out with your content and SEO.
Make sure that your content contains links to other content relevant to what you are talking about; photos/images; maybe give tips to enhance their experience.